Reading blogs is a favorite pastime for me. It’s a neat way to see what a writer cares deeply about.
Here on this blog, I hope to give you a sense of my heart for walking with people in deep places, seeking healing and transformation. I’ll share with you things the Lord has taught me, and is teaching me, about growth and relationships and discovering Him in every aspect of life. So, welcome! The “why” of what I do comes out of the most important truth I’ve ever experienced. Years ago God opened my heart to understand that God Himself, in the Person of Jesus Christ, loved us so much that He laid aside His glory as God to become a man; to live among limited, broken, fallen human beings. Like us, He entered life as a baby, grew into a child, developed into adulthood. However, He never sinned as we all do; even though He experienced all the temptations and pain any of us will ever know. He fulfilled His purpose when upon the cross, Christ, the God-Man,offered Himself up as the perfect, sinless sacrifice to pay the just penalty for our sins -- our failure to live perfectly before our Creator. There the wrath of God was placed upon Him and the full punishment due us was borne by Him. In His self-sacrifice He opened the way for us to be in right relationship with our Creator God. As a result of His death, burial and resurrection, anyone who turns from trust in him/herself to trust in Jesus' atoning sacrifice to open the way to God, “shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Placing faith in Him in this way results in our being born again -- becoming a “new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new!” (II Corinthians 5:17) When I took this step, I became a new person, was washed clean of my sin and welcomed into relationship with my Heavenly Father. I was reborn into new life! (II Corinthians 5:17) I discovered endless treasure in His Words to me in the Bible---words that cut through all the noise and confusion and guilt and pain to show me His beauty and matchless love for His children. I discovered His “all-sufficiency”, His never-failing mercy and grace. I discovered His perfect provision and equipping for hard circumstances and relationships. And, I discovered His passion for helping people:
I believe we are all intended to do more than endure and cope with the challenges of life. He has specific, amazing plans for each of us! He designed us to be continually changing and growing, learning about and depending on Him in any and all situations. Godly, Biblical, experienced counseling can be an important avenue which He uses to accomplish these purposes. If you too have a desire to know Him, grow into the person you long to become, please contact me. I would love to walk with you a'ways! |
AuthorSo glad you are here! This is where I think out loud about ArchivesCategories |